How we work

While we may be small, we believe our contribution has the power to ignite significant change. Being a philanthropy for public benefit, our role is to fund and drive high-risk, early-stage initiatives that others can take on and scale to catalyse change.

Our mission is to support the textile industry in halving its greenhouse gas emissions every decade, ultimately reaching net-zero by 2050, while promoting a just and fair transition for both people and the planet.

Our work is rooted in science, and our focus centres on the areas of the textile value chain where the most greenhouse gas emissions occur. Various models and figures agree that the majority of emissions come from the production phase. Focusing on these high-emission areas allows us to drive meaningful change.

We have clustered the high-emission areas into seven themes:

  • Energy (e.g. shifting to renewable energy in production processes)
  • Fibre & materials (e.g. innovating sustainable alternatives to traditional fibres)
  • Waste (e.g. reducing and repurposing post-industrial textile waste)
  • Traceability (e.g. enhancing transparency across the supply chain)
  • Automation (e.g. improving efficiency while protecting workers)
  • Consumption (e.g. promoting circular business models)
  • Policy & governance (e.g. advocating for policies that support the industry’s transition to net-zero)

Guiding principles to steer our work

To ensure all our initiatives support our mission, we have a set of guiding principles that each potential project needs to be assessed against. For example, we make sure our initiatives:

  • Target high-emission areas with the potential for significant impact.
  • Are scalable and replicable across the industry.
  • Take a systems change approach, addressing the root causes of climate and social challenges.
  • Involve collaboration with partners who share our values and vision.
Indira, waste picker in Bengalaru, India and part of our Collective Impact Programme.
As circular value chains emerge in the textile industry, there are urgent opportunities to push for social inclusion. This is Indira, one of the waste pickers engaged in Saamuhika Shakti, our multi-partner initiative in Bangalore India, aiming to catalyse inclusive circularity.

Driving systems change for lasting impact

Lasting transformation requires systems change, and that’s why we promote a holistic approach to solving challenges in the textile industry. Social and environmental challenges are interconnected, and tackling them requires collaboration across sectors.

We have pioneered a structured method for systems change, known as the Collective Impact Method, in large-scale programmes like Saamuhika Shakti in India and Oparajita in Bangladesh.

Through this method, we bring together diverse stakeholders – including industry leaders, civil society, academia, and governments – to co-create solutions that address these challenges from every angle. Our role extends beyond funding; we facilitate collaboration, create ecosystems of innovation, and support initiatives that can be scaled across the industry.

Our sweet spot – the power of philanthropy and DNA

As a philanthropic organisation, we can take risks, move quickly, and focus on long-term public benefit without the pressure of financial returns. This allows us to support early-stage innovations and novel solutions that may be too risky or too early for traditional investors.

However, the H&M Foundation is not just any philanthropic organisation, we are rooted in our DNA which builds on our reason for being, our history and our strengths. Our DNA includes putting impact first, promoting systems change and pioneering solutions.

Our philanthropic role and DNA together create our sweet spot, where we can make the greatest contribution.

About Collective Impact

Collective impact initiatives implement five conditions, outlined below, with equity practices incorporated throughout. The five conditions and equity practices are a framework and guide, rather than a checklist or formula, and should be customized for the local context.

  • Define a common agenda – collectively define the problem and create a shared vision to solve it.
  • Establish shared measurement – track progress in the same way allowing for continuous improvement.
  • Foster mutually reinforcing activities – coordinating collective efforts to maximise the end result.
  • Encourage continuous communication – to ensure everyone in the network stays informed.
  • Have a strong backbone – a team dedicated to orchestrating the work of the group.

By applying this systems change approach, we can reshape how the industry operates, ensuring that solutions address both the environmental and social aspects of the textile industry’s transformation.

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    Our role is to ignite sparks that can unlock opportunities for actors that can scale transformative solutions. This is how we amplify the impact of our donations.

Join us – be part of the change

At the H&M Foundation, we are committed to accelerating the textile industry’s journey toward halving emissions and achieving net-zero by 2050, while ensuring a fair and just transition for all. Together, we can make a lasting impact on both people and the planet. Do you want to be part of this journey? Become our partner!