Reaching positive change through photo exhibition


Education should be available to everyone. Regardless of who you are, we’re you’re from and if you have a disability or not. As part of our project with Save the Children, the photo project “Building Dreams” was created.

Almost 6 million children in China live with a disability and many face barriers to access quality education. The project with Save the Children aims to give children with disabilities access to quality education by making schools more inclusive and addressing widespread negative attitudes, reaching 4,000 children along with teachers and parents.

In a collaboration with the professional photographer Liu Yuyang the children had the opportunity to express themselves through photography and they were provided with a camera to take photos of their friends, families, homes etc. The photos as well as candid photos of the children participating in this were used at an exhibition in the Dazu Mall & More in Beijing. This has been an important part of changing the attitude towards children with disabilities and in the work of creating a society without discrimination. Inclusive education encourages all children to grow together, play together and go to school together!

Press contact

Jasmina Sofić

Media Relations Responsible