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Learnings from global programme taken to next level

During 2017-2022, H&M Foundation and its partner WaterAid reached over 400,000 people with water, sanitation and hygiene as part of our Global Programme for water. The SusWASH programme was a great success, also for WaterAid who’s captured its learnings in a global learning report (2022) and policy and practice brief (2022), which are being used in a number of ways in their work going forward.
Boy washing hands
Read in 3 mins

H&M Foundation Ambassador Alek Wek joins prime ministers, presidents and world leaders to end extreme poverty by 2030

During the festivities around the third annual Global Citizen Festival, the H&M Foundation Ambassador Alek Wek and Global Manager Helena Thybell entered the stage to make a commitment, and to state an example of organizations taking action against extreme poverty. The Foundation committed to giving 250,000 children in the world’s poorest countries access to clean water and toilets in school, through a partnership with WaterAid.
Read in 9 mins

No one can achieve systems change alone: The case for the Collective Impact method

The Collective Impact method can help drive the systems change needed to address the underlying root causes of complex problems and tackle the drivers of poverty and inequality. We explore how two CI initiatives are delivering change for waste pickers in India and readymade garment workers in Bangladesh through deep collaboration.