Efforts in Ukraine – a six month update

In February 2022, we released an emergency relief donation towards Save The Children and UNHCR for their efforts in Ukraine. This is what has happened since.

Save The Children

Nearly six months after the war escalated, the situation in Ukraine remains dire for children. In some areas, thousands of children are being forced underground into bunkers while violence and terror continues. Persistent air strikes and explosions are destroying buildings, killing, injuring children, and making it harder for children to access essential healthcare and education.

Save the Children’s response in numbers

  • Over 281,882 people – including 149,594 children – have been reached by Save the Children in Ukraine since 24th February
  • Over 62,206 people have been supported with Cash and Vouchers Assistance
  • 21 oblasts where Save the Children is working
  • 8 child friendly spaces have been set up and are running cross Ukraine
  • 23 partners are active in Ukraine


On 25 February, UNHCR declared a Level 3 Emergency in Ukraine – the most serious on the scale – signaling an exceptional response to the crisis. UNHCR rapidly scaled up its presence inside Ukraine to be able to reach people in need across the country, opening offices and warehouses in new locations and sending teams of emergency responders into the country with more than 200 staff now on the ground. Despite intensifying hostilities, teams have remained operational throughout the crisis to quickly deploy stocks of emergency supplies as well as reinforce essential protection services such as psychosocial support and legal advice to people in need.

UNHCR’s response in figures

  • Over 1.74 million people inside Ukraine have been reached with emergency relief items, shelter support, cash assistance and protection
  • Over 350 trucks of emergency aid supplies have been transported into Ukraine from Poland, carrying critical items like blankets, warm clothes, and hygiene kits and a further 225 inter-agency convoys have delivered the supplies to hard-hit areas in Ukraine
  • 36 so called Blue Dots are currently operational in 7 countries, supporting refugees fleeing Ukraine with access to family and child-focused services, advice and information. Around 155,000 people have been reached through Blue Dots across the region
  • Over 382,300 refugees have been provided with cash assistance in Bulgaria, Moldova, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia to help them buy the essentials they need, with over US$140 million disbursed across the countries

Press contact

Jasmina Sofić

Media Relations Responsible