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Next round of Global Change Award opens in 2021

With only 10 years left to reach the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals, disruptive innovations on how to solve the planet’s most urgent challenges are more important than ever. After five years of incredible innovations within circular fashion, we are now looking at how to extend the scope to create an even bigger impact. Therefore, the next round of Global Change Award will launch next year.
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H&M Foundation doubles GCA grant and winners

Recyclable and biodegradable polyurethane, food waste polyester, circular dyeing, natural bio-colours, ultra high-performing textiles, seaweed material, AI textile sorting, corn husk and sugarcane fabric, zero waste pattern system, textile-to-textile recycling for polyesters – these are the ten Global Change Award winners 2023, sharing a €2 million grant from the non-profit H&M Foundation.