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Learnings from global programme taken to next level

During 2017-2022, H&M Foundation and its partner WaterAid reached over 400,000 people with water, sanitation and hygiene as part of our Global Programme for water. The SusWASH programme was a great success, also for WaterAid who’s captured its learnings in a global learning report (2022) and policy and practice brief (2022), which are being used in a number of ways in their work going forward.
Spinning thread
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Technological breakthrough: new method for recycling blend textiles into new fibres

The four-year innovative partnership between the non-profit H&M Foundation and The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA) finds groundbreaking solutions to recycle blend textiles into new fabrics and yarns – without any quality loss – through a hydrothermal process using heat and pressure. The technology will be scaled up and made available to the global fashion industry. The finding is a major breakthrough in the journey towards a closed loop for textiles.