2020Page 4

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The importance of fathers

Growing up in an environment where violence is a form of discipline makes people believe that children must be “educated” by violence. This situation made Manuel to establish a child centre in 2010 which later was incorporated into one of Save the Children´s project.
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Breaking taboos

Our project with PLAN Internation has reached more than 36,000 people, in the strive to change norms and break taboos around menstruation. It has pushed transformation towards a more equal society.
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Development beyond disability

1.5-year old Valery in Peru was diagnosed with Down Syndrome at birth. Her family still remembers the insensitive way they were treated at the hospital. Thanks to our partner UNICEF, Valery’s parents got support and guidance to help her in the best way, and they also got to meet other families in the same situation.
Unfounded Ltd a startup to close the financial gap
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Unfounded ltd – a startup to help close the financial gender gap

The world’s top 100 investors received an investment opportunity from Unfounded Ltd with the potential to unlock USD 330 billion in annual global revenue. The twist? The company might not be real, but the all the data and figures are – and so is the potential of women in business. Women make up half the world’s population, yet female-founded start-ups only get about 3% of global venture dollar volume. By not giving women entrepreneurs equal access to finance, investors keep missing out on what could become the new Apple Inc. or Amazon.com – every year.
Yeo Nakoni in her cabbage field.
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Changed her destiny and now runs a successful business

Growing up in Ivory Coast, Yeo Nakoni was taken out of school at the age of 15 to support her parents on their farm. Her destiny was set. It could have stayed that way, if it wasn’t for her business minded mother-in-law. Today, the 51-year old grows and sells her own vegetables and can afford to send her children to school.