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carbon looper apron
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Carbon Looper – CO2 capturing textiles

Carbon Looper is potentially the start of a paradigm shift in how we think about textiles and the fashion industry. Traditionally, the production of garments and the unsustainable use of natural resources have gone hand in hand. But what if it could be the other way round, and textiles could have a planet positive effect by contributing to lowering CO2 emissions in the atmosphere?
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Wanted: ideas that can turn the fashion industry planet positive

STOCKHOLM; 20 October, 2022 – The world’s largest innovation challenge to transform the fashion and textile industry is now open for applications. The Global Change Award – called the ‘Nobel Prize of Fashion’ – is part of transforming fashion and turning the entire industry planet positive. Now, we are calling innovators and entrepreneurs to apply for the GCA 2023. Five winners share a grant of 1 million euro, provided by the H&M Foundation, and get access to our one-year long GCA Impact Accelerator.
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Women garment workers face an uncertain future in the RMG sector

Two reports, based on thorough scenario planning, clearly show that the RMG the sector in Bangladesh is headed towards an uncertain future, which is going to negatively affect women garment workers. The results serve as a baseline for H&M Foundation’s latest long-term initiative aiming to futureproof the female workforce for an increasingly automated and digital future.